Thursday, September 29, 2011

[ESSAY] All we need is.....

The definitive characteristic of humanity is imagination. And by imagination I mean your mind/brain. In my opinion imagination is what describes humans. Our imagination is what helps us live. Without it, we would be like caveman eating mud. Throughout life, we use our imagination for lots of things. We use it to help get us through school, work, and to help us play. Your imagination is different from others. You think of one thing, and the other person thinks of another or the same. Now you may think creativity is the same as imagination, but it isn't. From what I read here, it says that creativity is like a thinking process while imagination can be whatever you want it to be. And from what I read here, it says creativity is something you do and imagination is something you think about. Make sure to follow along of what I'm writing because its going to be a long reading.

As a human, we use imagination for school and work. When your in any class, your brain functions and tells you what to do. The imagination in that is your telling the brain to do something. Though it doesn't feel like it, you really are. From what I learned and observed, your mind is always imagining things. In class when you doze off and are looking somewhere else, you are using your imagination. How? Well when your ignoring the teacher in class, your always thinking of something. You could be imagining anything. The reason why is because thinking requires ideas and thoughts, and imagination is what gives it that. Also when your having fun in doing art or doing a physical activity, imagination is going on. Now you may be thinking how? Well art is when you dream. When dreaming imagination comes to your head and with a thought in mind, you might draw it. When having fun, your using both creativity and imagination. Creativity on how your game works and imagination on how you want to play it. You see how imagination affects your life, pretty powerful I say.

Now, how come imagination is different from others? Well, as humans we think differently. Great minds may think alike, but not every time. An example of this is when your teacher gives you a question to answer. You think you got it right and so does your friend, but you don't know who is correct. That is how imagination works in this situation, I think. Another way we think differently is when you play outdoor games. When your playing, it gives you tons and tons of imagination. An example of this is when you and your friends are playing a fantasy game. Pretending your pirates starting your adventure and finding gold and other riches. That is imagination. Many ways you could be thinking alike, but everything will not be exact.

As a kid you like to be creative and imaginative, but didn't know they are different. Imagination and creativity is different, you could agree on this or not, I don't care. Imagination is when you create a picture in your mind while creativity is what you are actually doing. An example of imagination is when your teacher asking the class something. Like telling you to close your eyes and imagine you being a slave, having to work for a cruel ruler so you would know how people in past feel like. That is imagination because you could do whatever you want with it. An example of creativity is when your writing a song or story. You are using your brain to help express your thoughts and you would do something with that so you can show the public how your being creative. Notice the difference people, otherwise you will be failing life.

Humans aren't the only ones who use imagination because sea creature use it too. A perfect example of this is the Spongebob episode: Idiot Box. This episode is about Spongebob and Patrick playing inside a box using there imagination. Irritating noises were made which bothered Squidward and he thinks its not their imagination. Spongebob keeps telling him it is, but that doesn't fool Squidward, or does it?

Everyone might think imagination is not what describes humans, but I'm sure it is. Others might say humanity is having the ability to reason, or being evil. Totally agreeable! It doesn't matter if the idea doesn't make sense, just have lots of reasons to backup your idea. I don't care what my classmates written about this, but as long as I understand the topic I'm will be happy. We each have our own opinions and thoughts on this. And like I said, we may be thinking about the same thing, or we may not. If someone is writing about the same topic as me, then that would be awesome since we have similar minds. And if someone is writing about creativity in this essay, well your stealing my idea because imagination is used in creativity. An example of this is when your drawing. Your imagining something so you could be creative on your drawing. So be cautious of your idea on this essay.

Basically this is what I want to talk about. Imagination is used by every single person. I don't know what could be better to describes humans because having imagination help got us through our lives. Without it, were nothing. Useful in many ways. In school, at work, or at home. Just go somewhere and use your imagination. Remember everyone has a different mind. The only way I think imagination can be the same is you share ideas. Then anyone can see what the person is talking about. Also don't forget creativity is different than imagination. I'll explain it again so you will remember. Creativity is something you do, and imagination is something you think about. As Spongebob said, "we don't need television, not as long as we have our imagination." Now you understand why I think the definitive characteristic of humanity is imagination.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] Food is Something

Well I don’t know about anyone else but it bothers me so much when people take the food they get for granted! They would buy stuff take one bite and just throw it away! So many people would die for that food but they are over here not even caring!
I got this quote from Julie Le. I also happen to hate it when people waste their food. Technically when your wasting food, your actually wasting your money! You use money to buy food and when you throw food away, you lose your money. Even its a small amount like what her friend had, its still money. Small amounts or big amounts I consider it money. Sometimes when your eating there will be extras. Like when I'm eating dinner, theres gonna be some leftovers and I don't call that wasting because my family will eat it the very next day. Also in her post, it did say something about others. The homeless people and orphans would definitely like that small amount even though its not enough. Every last bit of food counts, just get how much you can eat so you won't have to throw it away.

There are ways to not waste your food. If you order a lot and can't finish it, offer it to someone so it won't be wasted. But if they don't want it, you could save it for later. Everything counts. I would always eat everything on my plate, but my mom on the other hand sometimes don't. She would throw it away just like Julie's friend. I would tell my mom that is wasting, but she said it doesn't matter, you don't like this anyway. Its true that I don't like some foods, but I always tell her that you could eat and that you wasted your time, effort, and money. It irritates me. So listen to Julie, me, or other people that care about wasting food and you will learn something in return.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FREE] Far Away Friend

Have you ever had a friend that moved and you missed them dearly? Well I for one have some, but I usually forget about them, but not one of them. That person is name Timothy Yu. We are not brothers or cousins, just friends. He went to Wood Middle School and Alameda High School last year, but sadly he moved during this summer. I'm sure his friends miss him. If you haven't met him, surely you've seen him. He's short, sometimes loud, and can speak Chinese. He's really smart, but doesn't take any advance classes. We were gonna be in the same math class this year just like in eighth grade. But  if were aren't place in the same class, we could still help each other by giving tips or comparing homework. It would be nice to see him again and surely his friends would too.

You never forget a friend, especially the ones you have great friendship with. I met Tim in sixth grade and we got along well. Didn't have classes with him until eighth grade. And last year, I had one class with him. Hes very grateful and can be depended. But sometimes he takes things for granted. For example if you lend him money, it will take him time to repay you back. Also Tim and I are sometimes like brothers. Whenever we have the same classes, we would say to the teacher we are brothers just to fool them. Its pretty funny how teachers find people with the same last names as yours and thinks your related to them. Well to end this I'll just tell you where he is. He is currently in Castro Valley and hating it there. Call him, talk to him on Facebook or something and see how he's doing. Timothy Yu will always be a friend that I can't forget.

[CE] 3 Countries, 1 Earthquake

Click this for more information about:
Rescue teams are battling landslides and torrential monsoon rains after a powerful earthquake rocked a remote Himalayan region, killing at least 63 people and damaging more than 100,000 homes.
Another natural disaster occurs. Three countries were hit: India, Nepal, and Tibet.  Killing sixty-three people with over one hundred thousand homes destroyed. It was a 6.9-magnitude earthquake. The homeless people are sleeping outside the rain, rescue workers have stuff that are blocking their way to the people, and three were killed, said R.K. Singh, an Indian Home secretary.  Luckily the people there can survive. Food was given and the injured were treated by nine helicopters. The Xinhua News Agency in China state that deaths in Nepal and Tibet were harsh. A kid died in Tibet and the injured are being place in a hospital across from Nepal. Also, Singh said that some villages have people trapped still and can't be reached. The information here is still unclear, so more information will be released later on.

This was likely gonna happen. Before, homes in India were hit with rain and it weakened the homes, which cause the houses there to collapse. I was wondering if countries here have a earthquake shelter or something. It would be really great if they build one so nothing this serious can happen again. Also a fund raiser would be helpful. With enough money and support, lives can be saved and homes can be restored. I would start a fund raiser, but the problem is I don't know how. The affected people should be able to survive for a while, but eventually something bad will happen. So help them now and you will likely be rewarded.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] Chase in the Dark Room

I was walking down the street and then I came across this door. I went in and it was a pitch-black room. The door then closed by itself making this screeching noise. As I slowly walked in, a light appeared before my eyes. It  blinded me, and then it left. So I quickly went after it. As I'm running I here this loud and booming voice. My ears were hurting like it was gonna be cut off. I used my hands to cover my ears and continue running. Everything was okay as I continue chasing the light, but I thought too soon. I stepped on something and didn't know what it was. I touched it and it felt soft and moist. I sniffed it and then taste it. It was horrible. It tasted soft and slimy and smelled like someone pooped. I realized it was poop, dog poop to be exact. Maybe I'm not the only one in this room. I quickly wiped it somewhere and continue going. If there's someone else here too, I could get help and get out of here.

So I kept on running and I think I found someone or something. I know I was touching something and then this thing bit my hand, ouch! I told this thing my name and he told me his name: Thomas, and his dog's name: Jeff. I told him about the light and apparently he knows about it too. He said its a key, the key to getting out of here. So we teamed up and went looking for that key. Where could it be, its so hard to look for something in this dark and scary room. We kept running so fast that I tripped. My body touched the ground and my knee got injured. It hurts so bad that blood was dripping onto my knee and it felt all wet. But I wiped it with my hand, which became sticky since the blood dried up. We soon caught up to the key and I grabbed it. This chase felt like a marathon, I was about to pass out. Now with the key in my hands, I thought to myself,"Where is the door to this key?"

So we have to run again. Tiring we were, we just have to get out of here. Later, we came near this wall. It felt like one. When feeling it, I felt a knob. It was a door! We have finally found the exit. So I took the key and try to find the key hole. Then I found it and unlocked the door. The door opened, and I saw the sun. I glared at it and my eyes were burning, shouldn't have done that. As soon as I came out, Thomas rushed outside and sniffed the refreshing air. He was so happy to see the sun and the citizens. After a while we left, and gave each other a firm handshake for working together well and  for a start of a new friendship.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE] Water is Poisoned

This story I saw got me to write about it:
Relentless rain has caused catastrophic flooding in the eastern United States, killing at least five people and forcing the evacuation of more than 130,000 in three states.
Another hurricane has strike again in the United States. This situation here is the same when Hurricane Katrina happened, but its even more dangerous now. It is said that the water is polluted with sewage and toxins. People are scared by this because it can cause harm to their health. Test kits were given to the residents by Vermont's state health department so they can check their wells for bacteria. Though the hurricane may end, its still not over. Steff Gaulter, a senior meteorologist, said the Atlantic hurricane season will not end until the end of November. Escaping from here is very hard to do so. In Philadelphia, mud and rock slides are blocking the roads, New Jersey has the same situation, and New York shut down the rail service. Lives are at stake here, we must hope that they can get out of here alive.

These natural disasters have got to stop occurring. People are dying, losing materials, and especially losing themselves. Health plays a major role when dangerous things happen to you. You try to keep your body healthy, but can't because certain things happen to show up. Whenever a disaster comes up, you should always make sure everyone in the household is present and safe. After that you would do something depending on the kind of disaster. Be cautious so nothing terrible happens. I just hope everyone is safe after the hurricane and the people alive should stay alert so they know whats gonna happen to them. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE] A Deadly Show

Deadliest Warrior is a show that talks about historical and modern warriors and their weapons to determine who is more deadly. The way it works is that they pick two historical or contemporary warriors, or two historical individuals. The hosts explain their culture, history, and fighting philosophies. They then test out the  weapons they used on various targets, like a mannequin or a dead pig. After they determined which weapon is better, they put the data into a simulator. And the purpose of a simulator is to see the warriors battle so the winner can be decided. 

From watching this show, I learn many powerful and intelligent warriors and what they did in their time period. Some famous and well known warriors I was familiar with, while some I don't even know. I never knew that George Washington participated in the American Revolutionary War, or that Joan of Arc led the French army to victory in the Hundred Years' War. The weapons these warrior use are magnificent. Hannibal's War Elephant and Joan of Arc's Seige Cannon did major damage to their enemies and were triumphant with them. When I first watched this show, I was amazed. Its amazing because they give a lot of background information on the warrior and when I listen to that, I learn a new thing! Learning this in history class can be a fun thing. When we are at a certain topic, our teacher can show a clip that relates to the topic. You should give this show a try so when your teacher talks about about a famous warrior, you will know the answer!

[RE] School is Cool

Some say that school, is the most boring and worst thing ever. I believe that school is actually somewhat "Cool", the way you act and picture school is what makes a person think that school is stupid or time wasting.
I agree with Nick Sarmiento on this. School is cool in the way I see it. I make new friends, learn new things, and I am able to have some freedom. Now some do say its boring, but why? Is it because you have a bad teacher, no interest in a certain subject, or is it just very boring. Though try to listen so you won't FAIL. Also, how can school be the worst thing ever? Sure its difficult to wake up early in the morning, but your doing it for a good cause right. Your parents and teachers want to help you pass high school so you will be able to go to college. Plus by going to school you can fulfill your number one goal. If you actually try, you will soon start to like school than finding it boring. 

Everyone I know seems to enjoy school. School has provided you lots of things. They provide for you exercise, knowledge, food, shelter, protection, and teachers that want to help you. So far I enjoy school because my teachers and friends are always there for me when I'm in a tough spot. Your friends and teachers will do the same for you, if you behave properly though. Some of my teachers I dislike, but I gave them a try and I seem to enjoy having them, even though they are cranky and boring.  Difficult it may be to go to school, but it sure beats the heck of doing nothing right, so give it a try you school haters.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE] Whats with Stereotypes?

People may think i'm a straight "A" student cause im Asian. 
I tend to find this happening a lot. I got this quote from Sharon Wong's blog by the way, so take a look at it. I find this stereotype really annoying other than saying Asian's are good at math and having chinky eyes.. Whenever people see someone, they obviously think of a stereotype. Like how Asian's are good in math, the Americans being all fat and obnoxious, the Mexicans being all dirty and stuff, and etc. People will definitely be annoyed and hated by this. People should at least get to know each other first so they can see that they are nothing like the stereotype. As I'm writing this, I googled the word stereotype and on Wikipedia it has a great definition of it and its origin. Stereotype comes from the Greek words:(stereos) meaning firm, solid and (typos) meaning impression. Combine those words and you get stereotype meaning solid impression. People should be judged by their attitude rather than an impression.

Now I want to say something. Back then, people say I always do great in math, get the straight A's, and have the chinky eye. Well, they are wrong. I don't get straight A's, I'm not very smart in math, and I certainly don't have eyes that are flat as a line. I get annoyed by this because it hurts my emotions. I sometimes hear people saying Asian's are bad drivers. Well they are also wrong because my dad can drive very good and has not gotten a speeding ticket before...I think. That's all I want to say and stereotypes shouldn't exist because problems will happen. If you would like to know more about stereotypes, click on this and it will take you to information on stereotypes.

[CE] A Stupid Mistake

I have found this article and quote that seems interesting:
A US soldier shot dead an Afghan journalist working for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in July after mistaking him for a suicide bomber, the NATO-led military force in Afghanistan has said.
"After a thorough investigation, it was determined the reporter was killed in a case of mistaken identity," International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement on Thursday concerning the death of Ahmed Omed Khpulwak.
While standing around minding your own business and doing whatever, you suddenly die. Ahmed Omed Khpulwak is journalist and works for the British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC). He was doing his work near a broken wall and he was suddenly shot by US soldiers. Why he got shot you asked? Well its because one of the US soldier thought Ahmed Omed was a suicide bomber. Also, they said that he has something clinched in one of his fists and is reaching for something with his other hand. When they saw that, he was shot by an assault rifle. He died at an age of twenty-five which is really young if you say so. Right now his family, friends, and colleagues at the BBC will dearly miss him.

After reading this article, I have been thinking of how I should be careful because something like this can happen to me. If the police sees me with something and mistakes it for something that is dangerous, he would ask me questions and call my parents. Its just like what Mr.Sutherland said about the free post assignment, "Have some common sense with your writing and don't write anything that makes the cops knocking on your door." But, whatever you have can indeed be use for violence. For example a pencil, backpack, notebook, fork, and many other things can be used for sinister purposes. Just always be careful of what you do and see because you don't want to end up like Ahmed Omed Khpulwak and get in serious trouble.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[FREE] All-Star Academics

During this summer, I did community service at a place known as All-Star Academics. All-Star Academics is a summer camp and an after school program for kids in kindergarten through eighth grade. During the summer, I worked on Thursdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. I got six hours each day and I got a total of ninety six hours from working there. Working here is pretty tiring and intense because the kids there are hard to control. Loud, obnoxious, rude, and crazy is what describes the younger kids. As for the older kids they are more behaved, honest, and kind. When I volunteer there for the summer, they learn new things about math or science. They also have work to do. If they don't understand it, the volunteers and the teachers will help them so they can understand the problem. These kids may look very smart and playful, but on the inside they are actually little demons.

Now this place, I don't like working here. I don't like working here because it is very difficult to do and I usually get tired. I have asked people over there and some agree with me. The only reason why people would work here is to just get there community service hours. Once they got the hours they would leave and never come back. I worked there just to get the hours and because my mom wanted me to do something for the summer. But it wasn't all bad. I had only one friend that I knew who worked there on the same days as me, so I would talk to him. Soon I made new friends and I got along with them. This place is all right though, but if you want to work here, then go ahead and you will feel the pain that have done.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[BC] The Introduction of Me, Myself, and I

Hello, my name is David Yu, a fifteen year old student. Ever since I was born, my life became complicated. I needed to know how to do a lot of things like read, write, and do math. This is very crucial because my parents expect me to go to a good college and want to help me do better with life. If I ever fail something, my parents will try to help me, or they will yell at me for being stupid or for not paying attention in class. Each morning before I go to school my parents would always tell me to have fun and learn some new things because they don't want me to come home stupid. As this writing goes on, you will get to know more.

I like to play sports. So far I only have two favorite sports: badminton and swimming. At first I don't play badminton, but my friends introduce it to me. At first I thought it would be difficult. But as I play along, it became easy and I enjoyed it. I wouldn't say I'm great at it because my first time playing it was one month ago. I would practice whenever I have the time because I want to be on the badminton team. But we'll see because I need to pass the try outs. Now for swimming, it started way longer than badminton. I started taking swimming lessons approximately 3 years ago. I was really horrible because I failed level one. But during the following year, I passed and passed and reached to level five. I stopped going there this year because my parents don't want to pay that much and I was also pretty busy. I am very great at it, I could do many moves, and I can survive in the big kids pool. With these two sports I do, it helped me get more exercise and I got more active from it.

I also like to learn new things. Learning Japanese or Korean is one of them. I learn my Japanese from watching anime and my Korean from Korean songs, or I just use Google translate. I would also like to learn how to play the piano. The piano is a very fun instrument and I want to play songs on it. I have never taken band class before or piano lessons, but someday I will get the chance too. These two things is something I really like to do and someday I wish I can fulfill this dream.

This is basically it, but I do want to tell you my writing goals for the year. I would like to improve my spelling, grammar, writing, and vocabulary. I always have trouble with these whenever I write. I would lose some points for these and get a grade that I won't like. If I improve these four skills, I would write better. I would like to write about many things like cooking, music, games, and everything else. Now you know everthing about me and I hope that this year I would be able to acquire my writing goals.