Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE] Whats with Stereotypes?

People may think i'm a straight "A" student cause im Asian. 
I tend to find this happening a lot. I got this quote from Sharon Wong's blog by the way, so take a look at it. I find this stereotype really annoying other than saying Asian's are good at math and having chinky eyes.. Whenever people see someone, they obviously think of a stereotype. Like how Asian's are good in math, the Americans being all fat and obnoxious, the Mexicans being all dirty and stuff, and etc. People will definitely be annoyed and hated by this. People should at least get to know each other first so they can see that they are nothing like the stereotype. As I'm writing this, I googled the word stereotype and on Wikipedia it has a great definition of it and its origin. Stereotype comes from the Greek words:(stereos) meaning firm, solid and (typos) meaning impression. Combine those words and you get stereotype meaning solid impression. People should be judged by their attitude rather than an impression.

Now I want to say something. Back then, people say I always do great in math, get the straight A's, and have the chinky eye. Well, they are wrong. I don't get straight A's, I'm not very smart in math, and I certainly don't have eyes that are flat as a line. I get annoyed by this because it hurts my emotions. I sometimes hear people saying Asian's are bad drivers. Well they are also wrong because my dad can drive very good and has not gotten a speeding ticket before...I think. That's all I want to say and stereotypes shouldn't exist because problems will happen. If you would like to know more about stereotypes, click on this and it will take you to information on stereotypes.

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