Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] Chase in the Dark Room

I was walking down the street and then I came across this door. I went in and it was a pitch-black room. The door then closed by itself making this screeching noise. As I slowly walked in, a light appeared before my eyes. It  blinded me, and then it left. So I quickly went after it. As I'm running I here this loud and booming voice. My ears were hurting like it was gonna be cut off. I used my hands to cover my ears and continue running. Everything was okay as I continue chasing the light, but I thought too soon. I stepped on something and didn't know what it was. I touched it and it felt soft and moist. I sniffed it and then taste it. It was horrible. It tasted soft and slimy and smelled like someone pooped. I realized it was poop, dog poop to be exact. Maybe I'm not the only one in this room. I quickly wiped it somewhere and continue going. If there's someone else here too, I could get help and get out of here.

So I kept on running and I think I found someone or something. I know I was touching something and then this thing bit my hand, ouch! I told this thing my name and he told me his name: Thomas, and his dog's name: Jeff. I told him about the light and apparently he knows about it too. He said its a key, the key to getting out of here. So we teamed up and went looking for that key. Where could it be, its so hard to look for something in this dark and scary room. We kept running so fast that I tripped. My body touched the ground and my knee got injured. It hurts so bad that blood was dripping onto my knee and it felt all wet. But I wiped it with my hand, which became sticky since the blood dried up. We soon caught up to the key and I grabbed it. This chase felt like a marathon, I was about to pass out. Now with the key in my hands, I thought to myself,"Where is the door to this key?"

So we have to run again. Tiring we were, we just have to get out of here. Later, we came near this wall. It felt like one. When feeling it, I felt a knob. It was a door! We have finally found the exit. So I took the key and try to find the key hole. Then I found it and unlocked the door. The door opened, and I saw the sun. I glared at it and my eyes were burning, shouldn't have done that. As soon as I came out, Thomas rushed outside and sniffed the refreshing air. He was so happy to see the sun and the citizens. After a while we left, and gave each other a firm handshake for working together well and  for a start of a new friendship.

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