Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] School is Cool

Some say that school, is the most boring and worst thing ever. I believe that school is actually somewhat "Cool", the way you act and picture school is what makes a person think that school is stupid or time wasting.
I agree with Nick Sarmiento on this. School is cool in the way I see it. I make new friends, learn new things, and I am able to have some freedom. Now some do say its boring, but why? Is it because you have a bad teacher, no interest in a certain subject, or is it just very boring. Though try to listen so you won't FAIL. Also, how can school be the worst thing ever? Sure its difficult to wake up early in the morning, but your doing it for a good cause right. Your parents and teachers want to help you pass high school so you will be able to go to college. Plus by going to school you can fulfill your number one goal. If you actually try, you will soon start to like school than finding it boring. 

Everyone I know seems to enjoy school. School has provided you lots of things. They provide for you exercise, knowledge, food, shelter, protection, and teachers that want to help you. So far I enjoy school because my teachers and friends are always there for me when I'm in a tough spot. Your friends and teachers will do the same for you, if you behave properly though. Some of my teachers I dislike, but I gave them a try and I seem to enjoy having them, even though they are cranky and boring.  Difficult it may be to go to school, but it sure beats the heck of doing nothing right, so give it a try you school haters.  

1 comment:

  1. I've see an few of these reposts, and i definitely agree. Not only is school important, its also the best way to make friends and learn new things.
