Thursday, September 29, 2011

[ESSAY] All we need is.....

The definitive characteristic of humanity is imagination. And by imagination I mean your mind/brain. In my opinion imagination is what describes humans. Our imagination is what helps us live. Without it, we would be like caveman eating mud. Throughout life, we use our imagination for lots of things. We use it to help get us through school, work, and to help us play. Your imagination is different from others. You think of one thing, and the other person thinks of another or the same. Now you may think creativity is the same as imagination, but it isn't. From what I read here, it says that creativity is like a thinking process while imagination can be whatever you want it to be. And from what I read here, it says creativity is something you do and imagination is something you think about. Make sure to follow along of what I'm writing because its going to be a long reading.

As a human, we use imagination for school and work. When your in any class, your brain functions and tells you what to do. The imagination in that is your telling the brain to do something. Though it doesn't feel like it, you really are. From what I learned and observed, your mind is always imagining things. In class when you doze off and are looking somewhere else, you are using your imagination. How? Well when your ignoring the teacher in class, your always thinking of something. You could be imagining anything. The reason why is because thinking requires ideas and thoughts, and imagination is what gives it that. Also when your having fun in doing art or doing a physical activity, imagination is going on. Now you may be thinking how? Well art is when you dream. When dreaming imagination comes to your head and with a thought in mind, you might draw it. When having fun, your using both creativity and imagination. Creativity on how your game works and imagination on how you want to play it. You see how imagination affects your life, pretty powerful I say.

Now, how come imagination is different from others? Well, as humans we think differently. Great minds may think alike, but not every time. An example of this is when your teacher gives you a question to answer. You think you got it right and so does your friend, but you don't know who is correct. That is how imagination works in this situation, I think. Another way we think differently is when you play outdoor games. When your playing, it gives you tons and tons of imagination. An example of this is when you and your friends are playing a fantasy game. Pretending your pirates starting your adventure and finding gold and other riches. That is imagination. Many ways you could be thinking alike, but everything will not be exact.

As a kid you like to be creative and imaginative, but didn't know they are different. Imagination and creativity is different, you could agree on this or not, I don't care. Imagination is when you create a picture in your mind while creativity is what you are actually doing. An example of imagination is when your teacher asking the class something. Like telling you to close your eyes and imagine you being a slave, having to work for a cruel ruler so you would know how people in past feel like. That is imagination because you could do whatever you want with it. An example of creativity is when your writing a song or story. You are using your brain to help express your thoughts and you would do something with that so you can show the public how your being creative. Notice the difference people, otherwise you will be failing life.

Humans aren't the only ones who use imagination because sea creature use it too. A perfect example of this is the Spongebob episode: Idiot Box. This episode is about Spongebob and Patrick playing inside a box using there imagination. Irritating noises were made which bothered Squidward and he thinks its not their imagination. Spongebob keeps telling him it is, but that doesn't fool Squidward, or does it?

Everyone might think imagination is not what describes humans, but I'm sure it is. Others might say humanity is having the ability to reason, or being evil. Totally agreeable! It doesn't matter if the idea doesn't make sense, just have lots of reasons to backup your idea. I don't care what my classmates written about this, but as long as I understand the topic I'm will be happy. We each have our own opinions and thoughts on this. And like I said, we may be thinking about the same thing, or we may not. If someone is writing about the same topic as me, then that would be awesome since we have similar minds. And if someone is writing about creativity in this essay, well your stealing my idea because imagination is used in creativity. An example of this is when your drawing. Your imagining something so you could be creative on your drawing. So be cautious of your idea on this essay.

Basically this is what I want to talk about. Imagination is used by every single person. I don't know what could be better to describes humans because having imagination help got us through our lives. Without it, were nothing. Useful in many ways. In school, at work, or at home. Just go somewhere and use your imagination. Remember everyone has a different mind. The only way I think imagination can be the same is you share ideas. Then anyone can see what the person is talking about. Also don't forget creativity is different than imagination. I'll explain it again so you will remember. Creativity is something you do, and imagination is something you think about. As Spongebob said, "we don't need television, not as long as we have our imagination." Now you understand why I think the definitive characteristic of humanity is imagination.

1 comment:

  1. this is really good! One question: your spongebob analogy is meant to be a joke, correct? because you know it's just a cartoon... ;)
