Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE] Water is Poisoned

This story I saw got me to write about it:
Relentless rain has caused catastrophic flooding in the eastern United States, killing at least five people and forcing the evacuation of more than 130,000 in three states.
Another hurricane has strike again in the United States. This situation here is the same when Hurricane Katrina happened, but its even more dangerous now. It is said that the water is polluted with sewage and toxins. People are scared by this because it can cause harm to their health. Test kits were given to the residents by Vermont's state health department so they can check their wells for bacteria. Though the hurricane may end, its still not over. Steff Gaulter, a senior meteorologist, said the Atlantic hurricane season will not end until the end of November. Escaping from here is very hard to do so. In Philadelphia, mud and rock slides are blocking the roads, New Jersey has the same situation, and New York shut down the rail service. Lives are at stake here, we must hope that they can get out of here alive.

These natural disasters have got to stop occurring. People are dying, losing materials, and especially losing themselves. Health plays a major role when dangerous things happen to you. You try to keep your body healthy, but can't because certain things happen to show up. Whenever a disaster comes up, you should always make sure everyone in the household is present and safe. After that you would do something depending on the kind of disaster. Be cautious so nothing terrible happens. I just hope everyone is safe after the hurricane and the people alive should stay alert so they know whats gonna happen to them. 

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