Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CE] Animals Gone Wild

Dozens of exotic animals, including tigers, lions and bears were let loose on Ohio farmland by their owner before he committed suicide, sparking a shoot-to-kill hunt in which 48 of the wild beasts, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, have been killed.
So many exotic animals were killed in Ohio! From reading it, I don't understand why the man suicide. Was he tired of his life? Before his suicide, he released the animals from the farm. Over forty animals were released and entered the city. Schools were closed and homes were locked because of the animals behavior. Animals included were tigers, bears, lions, primates, and many others! Police have killed forty-eight of the fifty-six animals and the animals are buried on the farm. Animals running around has put fear in the citizens. Luckily the police handled it in time and no humans were hurt except Terry Thompson, owner of a farm that the animals came from. Having to be in this situation will be bad because I will be terrified if the remaining eight animals demolished my apartment door and kill my family, hope everyone can survive.

Having said that, why were the animals released and how come Terry Thompson suicide? He released the animals, and then killed himself. That's so messed up! I'm not sure why he would do that, but did he have to released the animals? No! He could have kept them at the farm were its safe from anyone else. Letting them out was a terrible idea since so many animals were killed. Police officers killed a lot of them, can't they just fire one of those darts that make them go to sleep? It would better because they won't be dead. Wonder what will happen Zanesville and the remaining animals, hope they are all right!

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