Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Rescue teams are striving to reach many people believed to be trapped under rubble after an earthquake in eastern Turkey that killed at least 272 people and injured at least 1,300 people.
They added that 970 buildings collapsed in two cities in Van province as a consequence of Sunday afternoon's 7.2-magnitude quake.
Another earthquake strikes again, but this time in Turkey. It was in the city of Van in the Ercis district. This quake is pretty high. A 7.2 quake! If Alameda had that kind of earthquake, buildings would crumble and kill people just as what happened in Turkey. There were nine hundred and seventy buildings collapsed killing about two hundred and seventy two people and injuring one thousand three hundred people. It was a strong quake for having to that much damage. Rescue workers are currently on the move to find survivors. Eventually they did find over seven hundred survivors. They were able to so because they heard their voices using a listing device and it also helped locate them. This earthquake has caused panic in countries near Turkey and they better be ready if an earthquake comes.

If Alameda really had an earthquake that big, we will be doomed! Buildings will collapse and will kill many lives. It was like the other day during school. An earthquake appeared, but didn't do major damages. Another happened at night, but still nothing was damaged. That earth was about a 4.0 magnitude or less and didn't do anything, but if that quake was the same as Turkey's, we are definitely doomed. The school will fall, students and teachers will have a hard time getting out of the building, and Alameda will be in a tight situation. It was lucky that Alameda's quake wasn't high, but it was sad for Turkey since it did. Hope the survivors will have a safe home to stay in for a while.

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