Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] Halloween is for Everyone

I'm probably too old to still trick-or-treat and stuff but it's so fun. I know, I'm hella immature.
Gigi Zeng, you are never too old to go trick-or-treating and there is nothing immature about it. Getting candy and dressing up in a costume is what kids like to do. Kids enjoy receiving delicious candy from strangers and dressing up. No one is too old for it, I mean I still want to go trick-or-treating. I just go for the fun of it and to receive candy. I need candy to give me energy. I really want to go trick-or-treating again. Not only do I get candy and dress up, but I can go past my bedtime. Though I will be tired the next day. The last time I went was probably four years ago. During that year, there were kids at my age that went trick-or-treating. I scored a lot of candy though, but my mom throwed some away, I was furious with her. All that remained for me was chocolate. But its still delicious and I'm happy that I got candy that my parents won't buy.

Usually my family doesn't celebrate Halloween. We don't buy pumpkins, decorate our apartment, or even buy candy since no one ever comes to our place for trick-or-treating. The only time I celebrate Halloween would be at school. Doing fun activities taht would include drawing pumpkin designs or writing a fictional story relating to Halloween. It was pretty fun when I did it in elementary school. I also like to point out that I have never seen someone trick before on Halloween. When kids say trick-or-treat, they receive candy. Never have I seen adults not giving away candy and having the kids pull a prank on them. But I would like to see or hear a prank being done on Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. I go trick-or-treating EVERY YEAR. I always feel a little silly, especially since I'm so tall. But it's so much fun and this is my last year, anyways.
