Thursday, October 13, 2011

[FREE] The show Wife Swap

Ever watch that show Wife Swap? If you have is it great, because I think its great. I have never watch Wife Swap on television before. I started watching on youtube. My first episode was the King Curtis episode. The reason I think Wife Swap is good is that it teaches other families a lesson. They take two wives from opposite families and swap them. By opposite I mean their lifestyles. They would swap a messy wife with a clean wife, or something like that. During week one they follow the manual and experience how they live. After the first week, the swapped wives make their own rules so they know how the other family feels. I have only seen a couple of episodes and having the wives make rules, has changed the families lifestyle. That's why I like this show. It teaches others a new lesson that they normally won't do. Its so inspirational.

What lead me to watching Wife Swap was a scene from the King Curtis episode. It was about Curtis running away(but came back later) because the wife "Joy" tossed  away bacon and other fatty foods into the garbage. After watching the whole episode of this, the families did change their lifestyle. Joy's family was originally a healthy and unsocial family, but that all change thanks to Curtis' mother whose name I don't know. She taught the father to have more fun with the kids and eat other foods beside vegetables. Curtis' family did start eating vegetables, but Curtis still rejects eating them because he considers them disgusting. Curtis there is nothing wrong with vegetables, they are pack with many minerals and vitamins. So consider watching Wife Swap, it could change some of your bad habits into good ones.

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