Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[CE] Man wielding a Bomb

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a bomb in his underwear aboard a US airliner on Christmas Day in 2009, has pleaded guilty to all charges against him and warned the US of "a great calamity".
Wow! When I saw this, the man is like crazy. Having a bomb placed on your underwear is bad. When you sit down, it could activate. Once its activated, he dies along with the passengers and the plane crashes. A bad guy having a bomb is worse than having a gun. A bomb kills people in certain range, while a gun kills one person. When he tried to ignite the bomb in his underwear, it killed him. "It malfunctioned and burned him," a witness said. Even though he is a criminal, he shouldn't have died. If the cops have discovered this earlier, he wouldn't have died and he would be in jail. The passengers were lucky they weren't in harm, but they witnessed something that man nor women should do, and that is having a bomb.

What I don't get is that why he even has a bomb, and worse its sewn in his underwear. Having a bomb near your butt is dangerous. When you trigger it, your gonna die, so why have it in your underwear. Its really stupid. But why does Abdulmutllab even have a bomb. Is he selling it to criminals for money or drugs, or maybe he is using it to scare people so he can get what he wants. Either decision is horrible. From reading the article it said he has one to avenge the deaths of innocent Muslims. So basically he is doing this for revenge. If you want to get revenge, don't use a weapon, talk to the government or something. 

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